I work with project managers in financial services, to help them move to fulfilling work, so that they can thrive in the next step of their career.
I've been there too. That's why I coach project managers like you. Let me help you move from those anxiety-filled sleepless nights and difficult days, weeks and months to a place where you feel genuine fulfilment. You can transform your career and life into one you truly enjoy. Imagine waking up excited about your work, confident in yourself, and fully in control of your plan. I can help you build that journey.

Do you...
Feel stuck in your project management role?
Miss the spark for your work?
Put the project and everyone else first, always?
Struggle to keep up as your responsibilities expand?
Hesitate to delegate, fearing it won't be done right?
Feel like no one else ‘gets it’?
Have an empty social diary because you're buried in work?
Start your own change plans, yet never finish them?
Want change but talk yourself out of it?